Primitive fit: our story & core values
Primitive. Strength. Hand crafted. Minimal. Heroism. These are the core values behind Primitive Fit.
It first started as a way to keep ourselves active in the shop using minimal equipment. A way to stay active, build strength, use our skills in steel fabrication, and make some really cool looking, nerd approved products.
During the recent pandemic, there were so many eye opening realizations behind our core values.
We realized when the world is closing down, we have to go back a bit to our Primitive roots.
We realized even more, the importance of building up our immune system against viruses, and how vital Strength training is to the process.
We realized the importance of trades skills and building things locally. Being able to help your community through building things with Hand Crafted products, and technical skills like welding, drafting & design.
We realized how important it is to be Minimalistic in times of uncertainty.
And the last thing we realized is now more than ever, we need people leading the way. Uplifting others around them. Pushing through to light the darkness.
In times of chaos, we need Heroes.